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Visualizar por autor "Balasubramanian, Sivakumar"

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  • Perry, Joel C.; Rodriguez de Pablo, Cristina; Balasubramanian, Sivakumar; Cavallaro, Francesca I.; Belloso, Aitor; Keller, Thierry (Fundación ONCECàtedra d'Accessibilitat (CATAC), 2013)
    In an era where rehabilitation services are diminishing under the weight of the growing demands and fewer therapists, home-based telerehabilitation offers a way of increasing duration and intensity of post-stroke training. ...
  • Perry, Joel C.; Rodriguez-de-Pablo, Cristina; Balasubramanian, Sivakumar; et al. (Fundación ONCECàtedra d'Accessibilitat (CATAC), 2013)
    This volume 3, number 2 gathers a set of articles based on the most outstanding research on accessibility and disability issues that was presented in the International Conference on NeuroRehabilitation 2012 (ICNR).The ...